
Story Front Pictures, as the name implies, puts storytelling first. Not just the art of storytelling, but a focus on stories people long for, stories that inspire them to grow as human beings. How a story is told is of utmost importance, what story is told is of an even greater significance. Through the years Story Front has produced feature films, feature documentaries, and short films that inspire and emotionally move audiences.

End of the Spear (Trailer) TRT: 2 minutes

In 1956, five American missionaries in Ecuador were speared to death by a Stone Age tribe of Indians known as the Aucas. Two years later, the wife and sister of two of the murdered missionaries walked into the jungle to live with the same people who had murdered the men they loved. Today, the Aucas (now known as the Waodani) are a changed people.

Beyond the Gates of Splendor (Trailer) TRT:2 minutes

In documentary form, this film gives an account of the spearing deaths of five missionaries in Ecuador in 1956, and the consequent transformation of the Stone Age Indian tribe, the Aucas.

The Familiar (Trailer) TRT: 2 minutes

Still grieving after his wife’s untimely death, reclusive gunsmith Sam (Bryan Massey) shuns his religion and wades into a dangerous affair with his sister-in-law, Laura (Laura Spencer). Sam is too blinded by grief to see that she’s been possessed by an evil spirit.

Alaska Long Hunters (Trailer) TRT: 3 minutes

Alaska Long Hunters is a rare adventure story chronicling the life of two young explorers growing up in Alaska facing the perils of dangerous game, fierce weather, and aviation disasters. How the explorers face their most challenging adventure culminates in a bush plane “long hunt” where only a miracle can save their lives.

Full Film TRT: 47 minutes

The Samaritan (Trailer) TRT: 2 minutes

In 1985, an attorney from Texas is suddenly forced to decide whether to help a Romanian defector that’s jumped ship in the Houston harbor, fleeing the oppressive dictatorship of Nicolae Ceausescu. After appealing to the U.S. Congress, he succeeds. But that is only the beginning. He chooses to travel to Romania in order to help the defector’s family escape as well.

Kibera (Trailer) TRT: 3 minutes

Highway of Hope Kibera filmed on location in one of the largest slums in Africa (near Nairobi, Kenya), reveals that hope can thrive even in the most harsh environments.  By providing vision instead of handouts, people are finding solutions to perplexing problem through focusing on the assets they posses and the courage and faith to believe in themselves.

South Minneapolis (Trailer) TRT: 3 minutes

Highway of Hope South Minneapolis chronicles a real life tale of shepherding an urban stronghold of crime and chaos into a community of opportunity and triumph. It’s a story of good overcoming evil, of agency replacing exploitation, and its hopeful conclusion is that the experience can be repeated – again and again. But you’ll have to be all in, all out, all the time, for as long as it takes.

Full Film TRT: 29 minutes

South Minneapolis (Episode 2) TRT: 31 minutes

Following the ravages of Covid Lockdowns and destructive Rioting following George Floyd’s death, the leaders of South Mpls were faced with the daunting task of rebuilding this once thriving community where 1500 businesses were burned out, looted and boarded up. Our team culled the hopes and visions of community members into a vision on how to build a new South Minneapolis on the foundation that had transformed them 30 years ago.